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Google reCAPTCHA

The Google reCAPTCHA plugin is used to protect your site from hackers. It filters out spam entry during the event submission and registration process through codes.

Installing The Plugin

The installation process is the same for all the addons, offered by WP Event Manager. They can be both installed automatically and manually.

  1. Automatic Installation: You can install the plugin from the backend of your WordPress. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin automatically.
  2. Manual Installation: You can also install the plugin manually using SFTP or FTP tools. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin automatically.

Watch the entire video for better understanding

Registration for getting reCAPTCHA keys

In order to get Google reCaptcha on the Event submission form, you need to,

  1. Register on reCAPTCHA website to get reCAPTCHA keys.
    Wp Event Manager Google Recaptcha Form
  2. Enter the required details of your website.
  3. After the submission, you will get a reCaptcha site key and a secret key.
  4. Wp Event Manager Google Recaptcha Details

  5. Copy these keys.
  6. Go to the theme backend at WP-admin >> Event Manager >> Settings >> Google Recaptcha.
  7. Wp Event Manager Recaptcha Key

  8. Paste the keys in respective boxes.
    Wp Event Manager Recaptcha Key Adding Details
  9. Save changes.

Now, you will get the reCAPTCHA code on the event submission form as you can see in below-mentioned screenshot:

If any user does not insert the reCAPTCHA code, then it will ask for verifying the reCAPTCHA with the following message:

Google reCAPTCHA Settings

To access the Google reCAPTCHA settings section here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Go to wp-admin>>Events Manager>>Settings.
  2. Click on the Google reCAPTCHA tab.
  3. Here are the options you will get in the settings section:
    • Enable Google reCAPTCHA: Tick Mark the option if you want Google reCAPTCHA on your website and keep it blank in case you don’t. 
    • reCAPTCHA type: Select the reCAPTCHA type from the given options that include ReCAPTCHA V2 and ReCAPTCHA V3.
      • ReCAPTCHA V2: It helps administrators verify if the user has solved the challenge correctly. 
      • ReCAPTCHA V3: it helps administrators decide which action needs to be taken based on users’ score. 

      Select ReCAPTCHA V2

    • v3 RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY: Paste your v3 reCAPTCHA site key here in the box. 
    • v3 RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY: Paste your v3 reCAPTCHA secret key here in the box. 
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Event Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your event submission form or keep it blank to disable. 
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Organizer Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your submit organizer form or keep it blank to disable. 
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Venue Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your Submit venue form or keep it blank to disable. 
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Alert Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your Alert form or keep it blank to disable. This option is applicable only if you have the Event Alert Plugin. 
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Bookmarks Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your Bookmarks form or keep it blank to disable. This option is applicable only if you have the Bookmarks plugin.
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Contact Organizer Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your submit contact organizer form or keep it blank to disable. This option is applicable only if you have the Contact Organizer form.
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Registration Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your submit registration form or keep it blank to disable. This option is applicable only if you have the Registration plugin. 
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Zoom Meeting / Webinar Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your submit Zoom meeting or webinar form. You can keep it blank to disable the option. This option is applicable only if you have the Zoom plugin.
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Group Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your submit group form or keep it blank to disable. This option is applicable only if you have the Guest List plugin.
    • Enable reCAPTCHA for Submit Guest List Form: Tickmark the option to enable Google reCAPTCHA on your submit guest list form or keep it blank to disable. This option is applicable only if you have the Guest List plugin.
  4. Save changes.
  5. Google Recptcha Settings

Customization: Overriding/Customizing The Template Files

For overriding or customization, template files can be found in the wp-event-manager-google-recaptcha/templates/ directory.

To override a template file, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Create the directory “wp-event-manager-google-recaptcha” under your theme folder.
  2. Copy the template file to “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-google-recaptcha/” directory.
  3. Your theme will use all the template files from the “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-google-recaptcha/” directory instead of the plugin’s template file. (/wp-content/plugins/wp-event-manager-google-recaptcha/).
  4. event-google-recaptcha.php template file lists the user’s alerts.

Remember: if you have overridden template file and plugin frequently updating then you need to sync template file with new updates from the plugin’s template file for better functionality and new features.

Google Recaptcha
Ashok Dudhat

Our team constantly explores ways that technology can help us reinvent industries. We want to change the world by creating great products that transform industries. We Dream It, We Make It.

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