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WP Event Manager Revamps and Empowers Pazzi d’Autore’s Online Presence

Pazzi Dautore Event
Pazzi D’autore Logo

Pazzi d’Autore is a cultural association, established in the year 2015 by Raffaella Turatti. Through the association, Raffaella Turatti used to conduct tours of art exhibitions and interpret the images to her listeners. WP Event Manager revamped Pazzi d’Autore’s official site and helped them explain the images clearly to its audiences.

Key Features:
  • Event listing.
  • Translation with loco translate.
  • Sorting events in chronological order.

Company description

Pazzi d’Autore is a cultural platform created by Raffaella Turatti in 2015. She started her journey with an aim to guide tours of art exhibitions and interpret images to the listeners in 2009 after having obtained a first-level degree in communication in the art and culture markets. In 2015 this cultural activity took the shape of a non-profit cultural association named Pazzi d’Autore. Pazzi d’Autore was built with its own statute, bank account, website, and presence on social networks (Facebook and Instagram). They frequently conduct events to enlighten attendees about the photographs of the world’s greatest photographers and the rich cultural history of Milan. The main objective behind the platform was to offer its audiences with quality services and in-depth information.

The inspiration behind the project

Pazzi d’Autore’s official website was built to fulfill the requirements of the members of the association and to provide information about the images that are found in museums in a simple and clear way. Through the art exhibitions, the association aims to create a platform where all participants gather knowledge, engage in friendly conversation, and enjoy the food and the atmosphere. This is something that inspired them to revamp their website and seek help from WP Event Manager for the features that they wanted to empower their website with.

Challenges they faced

Though the Pazzi d’Autore had an official website and everything that they needed to build an online identity, they lacked a few things. The biggest challenge they faced was to display and manage the events they organize on their official website. That is why they were in search of a plugin, that is customizable, scalable, easy to use, and it would help them get complete control of the events that are listed on their website.

Connecting with WP Event Manager

The creator of Pazzi d’ Autore Raffaella Turatti searched a lot on Google to find a suitable plugin for her requirements. She finally ended up with WP Event Manager due to its:
  • Scalability. 
  • Features and functionalities.
  • Multiple addons.
She said “I chose WP Event Manager after a long search comparing the functionality and features with other plugins. The scalability of the system with the presence of multiple Add-ons convinced me to choose your plugin.”

How WP Event Manager helped

WP Event Manager core plugin helped Pazzi d’ Autore in the following ways:
  • Create and manage their event listing on their website.  
  • Translate a few terms into their preferred language using the loco translate integration.
  • Sort events in chronological order.
“The creation of the site was not particularly complex, I encountered some problems with the translation of some terms but I solved them with the installation of Loco Translate and with the support of your assistance service. I would like the function of sorting events by chronological order to be integrated into the plugin without having to search for the script through your guides.”


Raffaella Turatti seemed to be thoroughly impressed with WP Event Manager and its support. Though her team has used the basic version of the plugin, they are soon going to take up the Sell tickets addon to manage their event ticket sales. Here are the results they have witnessed after using WP Event Manager:
  • Simplified event listing process. 
  • Easy event sorting. 
  • Effortless event management.
The founder said “Your well-structured site provides all the information necessary to best configure the plugin, making it indispensable for event management by offering the possibility of registering by simply sending an email.” Besides appreciating our work Pazzi d’Autore also had a suggestion for us which is mentioned below: To add the ascending and descending date sorting function directly within the plugin.
This plugin is very simple and easy to use and has all the important and necessary functions to run a registration and event smoothly. I like also that one can have two views from the Events List. A tiled version and a list version. The support staff was great about answering our questions and helping me.
Raffaella Turatti, CEO