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Sell Tickets

The Sell Tickets addon helps organizers sell tickets for their events and track their ticket sales with ease.

Note: To use the Sell Tickets addon, you need to have the Registration addon as well.

Besides this, you also need to ensure that you have WooCommerce activated on your system.

Installing The Plugin:

The installation process is the same for all the addons, offered by WP Event Manager. They can be both installed automatically and manually.

  1. Automatic Installation: You can install the plugin from the backend of your WordPress. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin automatically.
  2. Manual Installation: You can also install the plugin manually using SFTP or FTP tools. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin manually.

Watch the entire video for better understanding

How to display (Paid, Free, Donation) Sell Tickets options on Event Submit Form?

The Sell Tickets addon allows you to sell three types of tickets for your event,

  • Paid tickets.
  • Free tickets. 
  • Donation.

You need to take the following steps to display these types of tickets on the Event Submission Form:

  1. Install and activate the Sell Tickets plugin.
  2. Go to WP-admin >> Event Manager >> Settings >> Sell Tickets.
  3. Enable the Paid, Free and Donation Tickets in the back-end theme.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Settings
  • Show Paid Tickets Field: Enable this option if you want to show the Paid Tickets option on the event submission form.
  • Show Free Tickets Field: Enable this option if you want to show the Free Tickets option on the event submission form.
  • Show Donation Tickets Field: Enable this option if you want to show the Donation Tickets option on the event submission form.
  • Show Event Registration Addon Form: Enable this option if you want to show the “Register for event” button on the event detail page.
  • Select Address For Ticket PDF: Using this option, you can choose if you want to include the event location or event venue or both in the address section of the event ticket.
  • Select Ticket Layout: Using this option you can select your preferred ticket layout from Default, Style 1, Style 2 and Custom.

If you choose the custom option, you will get two more options Ticket PDF and Test Email.

Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Custom Layout

In the Ticket PDF section you need to paste the below mentioned HTML code.



In the Test Email section you need to add your email address.

Adding A Paid Ticket From The Front End

If you want to charge the users for the tickets they buy, you have the option to create paid tickets using this add-on. Now creating and selling paid tickets has become easier for everyone.

To enable this option, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. login to the admin panel.
  2. Go to Post Event >> Click on the Paid Tickets option.
  3. Fill Paid tickets Form details.
  4. Click on the Save changes button.

    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Paid Ticket

Here are the ticket details that you need to fill in:

  • Ticket Name: Insert the name of the event ticket.
  • Ticket Quantity: Insert number of tickets you want to sell.
  • Ticket Price: Insert the price of the ticket.
  • Sales Start Date: Insert the date from which you want to start selling tickets.
  • Sales Start Time: Insert the time from which you want to start selling tickets.
  • Sales End Date: Insert the end date for selling tickets.
  • Sales End Time: Insert the end time for selling tickets.
  • Ticket Priority: You can also enter ticket priority, which means that you can enter 1-2-3 according to which you want your tickets to be displayed.

Adding A Free Ticket From The Front End

You can also offer free tickets to your attendees. All you need to do is to keep the free ticket option open on your website for them.

Here are the steps you need to take to add a free ticket from the frontend:

  1. login to the admin panel.
  2. Go to Post Event >> Click on the Free Tickets option.
  3. Fill Free tickets Form details.
  4. Click on the Save changes button.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets

Here are the ticket details that you need to fill in:

  • Ticket Name: Insert the name of the event ticket.
  • Ticket Quantity: Insert number of tickets you want to sell.
  • Ticket Price: Insert the price of the ticket.
  • Sales Start Date: Insert the date from which you want to start selling tickets.
  • Sales Start Time: Insert the time from which you want to start selling tickets.
  • Sales End Date: Insert the end date for selling tickets.
  • Sales End Time: Insert the end time for selling tickets.
  • Ticket Priority: You can also enter ticket priority, which means that you can enter 1-2-3 according to which you want your tickets to be displayed.

Adding a donation ticket from the frontend

This feature is essential especially when you are hosting a crowdfunding or charity event through your website. You can create a donation ticket with a unique descriptive name and then set the minimum amount of each ticket.

Here are the steps you need to take to add a donation ticket from the frontend:

  1. login to the admin panel.
  2. Go to Post Event >> Click on the Donation Tickets option.
  3. Fill Donation tickets Form details.
  4. Click on the Save changes button.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Donation Ticket

Here are the ticket details that you need to fill in:

  • Ticket Name: Insert the name of the event ticket.
  • Ticket Quantity: Insert number of tickets you want to sell.
  • Minimum Ticket Price: Insert the minimum price of the ticket.
  • Sales Start Date: Insert the date from which you want to start selling tickets.
  • Sales Start Time: Insert the time from which you want to start selling tickets.
  • Sales End Date: Insert the end date for selling tickets.
  • Sales End Time: Insert the end time for selling tickets.
  • Ticket Priority: You can also enter ticket priority, which means that you can enter 1-2-3 according to which you want your tickets to be displayed.

How does the Donation Ticket function work at the frontend?

The donation ticket as the name suggests asks an individual to donate as much as they want to donate for an event.

Here, the amount that is entered as the ticket price during the event submission process, also appears on the frontend in the ticket section.

A ticket buyer has the freedom to buy a ticket with the minimum amount that has been mentioned or increase the amount as per his wish to donate in the event.

For example, say the minimum ticket price, fixed for the Donation Ticket A was $20. A buyer could also see the same amount in the ticket display box. Now the user can purchase the ticket at this amount or can increase the amount through the up arrow present just beside the amount and then press on Order now.

Ticket Settings

The ticket setting options gives you full control over the ticket behavior.

There is a tab named Settings, situated beside the Ticket Details option on the front end event submission form. From here you can make your preferred changes to the ticket settings before submitting the tickets on your site.
Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Ticket Settings

The following are the ticket setting options that you will see.

  • Ticket Description: Insert the ticket description if you want.
  • Show Ticket Description: Enable this option if you want to display ticket description on the event detail page.
  • Fees Pay By: Pay By Attendee – Fees will be added to the ticket price and paid by the attendee & Pay By Organizer – Fees will be added to the ticket price and paid by the organizer.
  • Tickets Visibility: Private – Visible to Organizer only & Public – Visible to all.
  • Minimum Tickets: Set the minimum number of tickets which you want to allow per order.
  • Maximum Tickets: Set the maximum number of tickets which you want to allow per order.
  • Show remaining tickets: Enable this option if you want to display remaining tickets on the event detail page.
  • Sold tickets individually: Enable this option if you want to allow attendees to buy only one ticket per order.

How to Add Paid, Free & Donation Tickets From The Backend?

WP Event Manager’s Sell Tickets addon allows users to control events and tickets that are being displayed and sold on their websites from the backend.

Here are the steps that need to be taken:

  1. Login to your admin panel.
  2. Go to WP-admin >> Event Listing >> Add New >> Tickets.
  3. Add new tickets for an event or even edit/delete the existing tickets.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Settings Backend

How to Add Tickets From WooCommerce product page?

The WooCommerce product page also allows users to add tickets as WooCommerce products.

The following steps must be followed in order to add tickets through WooCommerce.

  1. Log in to the Admin panel.
  2. Go to WP- Admin >> Products >> Add New.
  3. Wp Event Manager Add Sell Tickets From Woocommerce

  4. Fill in the ticket details, including product name(ticket name), description.
  5. Under the Product data, select event tickets.
  6. Fill in the required details regarding the ticket including the Price, sale price, linking to the event for which this ticket is created, select the ticket type as a paid or free or donation ticket, Sale start, and end date, should be paid by attendee or organizer, etc.
  7. After filling up the details, publish the ticket.
    Add Tickets From Woocommerce

These tickets are now published as products, which will be visible on the event detail page which you have selected above.

Ticket Information Block On The Event Detail Page

Once you add a ticket for a specific event, the ticket information box automatically appears on the related event’s Event Detail Page for attendees or visitors to help them purchase the tickets.

The box contains the following:

  • The available for sell tickets of the event.
  • The price.
  • The start and end date of Sell tickets.
  • It also lets attendees choose the quantity of the tickets to buy and has an order now button through which the attendees can buy tickets.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Event Detail Page

Order Summary Page

  • After selecting the required data from the ticket information box from the event detail page, the attendee will be redirected to the “Order Summary” page.
  • An attendee can update the cart from there if required and at last, s(he) can proceed to checkout.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Order Summary

Ticket Registration Fields On The Checkout Page

    Once an attendee proceeds to the checkout page, he or she will be redirected to the page where she or he needs to fill up the required registration details as you can see in this below-mentioned screenshot:
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Registration Checkout

    The fields that appear on the registration form can be managed (Add, Edit or Delete) from the backend through the following steps:
    WP-admin >> Event Registration >> Registration Form.

    The admin can choose the type of information he/she wants the attendees to submit to get themselves registered for the events.

Note: If you want to hand over the right to control the attendee information fields to the organizers and let them decide which type of information an attendee needs to fill up during the registration process, you can do that with the Attendee Information plugin.

Due to the latest WooCommerce update, the registration field on the checkout page is hidden. To avoid it, users need to create a new page using the shortcode


Make sure that the title you choose is different from the WooCommerce default checkout page.

Here are the steps you need to take to create the page:

  1. Go to wp-admin>>pages>>add new.
  2. Then paste the shortcode on the blank page

  3. Click on Publish.

After creating the page, you need to make changes in the WooCommerce settings section:

Follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. WP-admin>>WooCommerce>>settings. 
  2. Click on the Advanced tab.
  3. Go to the checkout page option and select the newly created checkout page from the dropdown. 
  4. Save.

After this, the registration field on the checkout page will be visible.

Frontend Registration dashboard

  • All the event registrations received from the attendees can be managed from the frontend registrations dashboard as well as the backend registrations dashboard.
  • Organizers can manage registrations from the frontend registration dashboard whereas admins can manage all the registrations from the backend registration dashboard..

Take a look at the below-mentioned screenshot for the frontend registration dashboard.

You as an organizer can not only view the registration requests but also can see event registration status like the total number of registrations, new, waiting, canceled, confirmed, archived, total number of checked-ins, etc. It also shows you the number of registrations for each event.

  • Go to the Event Dashboard from the frontend.
  • Choose the Registration option from the list present at the left side of the dashboard.
  • Click on the List option.
  • Wp Event Manager Registration List Option

  • Now, you will be able to see the Event Registrations List.
  • Wp Event Manager Registration List

You can access the Ticket details of any specific event by using the following option:

  • Select Events: it opens a drop down menu that contains all the events from which you can choose a specific one.
  • Wp Event Manager Event Filter

You can access the following ticket details of your chosen events

  • Total sold tickets.
  • Paid Tickets.
  • Free Tickets.
  • Donation Tickets.
  • Wp Event Manager Event Ticket Details

Backend Registration Dashboard

  • Just like the frontend event registration dashboard, admins can access all the attendee registration details through the backend registration dashboard.
  • To go to the backend registration dashboard, here are the steps you need to take:
    WP-admin >> Event Registrations >> All Event Registrations for admin to manage the event registrations.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Backend Registration
  • Admins also have the right to manage the ticket details including the number of sold, paid and free tickets.
    Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Backend Registration Ticket Status

Backend Ticket Fees Settings

When you sell tickets for different events on your website, you as an admin need to charge a certain amount of fee on the customers.

If you are charging an additional fee such as processing fee, etc you can manage it from the theme backend.

Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Go to WP-admin >> Woocommerce >> Settings >> Ticket Fees.
  • Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Fees

  • One can set the fees based on the default fee setting or country based fees.

    Default fee settings include the following areas:

    • Default fee. 
    • Default fee label. 
    • Maximum fee. 
    • Default fee mode. 
    • Fee type.

     On the other hand the country based fee setting include the following:

    Wp Event Manager Woocommerce Country Based Selection

    • Country code. 
    • Fee mode. 
    • Fee.
    • Maximum fee. 
    • Fee Label. 
    • Fee Type.

    It is to be noted that if the country based fee setting section is kept empty then the default fee setting will be applied.

Sell Tickets Shortcode

Users can easily access the list of the shortcodes of all the plugins that he or she has installed.

To access the Sell Tickets plugin shortcodes, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Go to wp-admin>>Events Manager>> Shortcodes. 
  2. Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Sortcode

  3. You need to click on the dropdown and select WP Event Manager Sell Tickets. Then click on the Filter button.
  4. Wp Event Manager Sell Tickets Sortcode Dropdown

  5. When the Sell Tickets plugin is installed, you will be able to see its shortcodes that include:
  • [event_sell_tickets]
  • [event_sell_ticket]

Explaining the Sell Tickets Shortcodes

1. [event_sell_tickets]: It is used to display all the tickets of a specific event. Here the id of that specific event needs to be mentioned.


 [event_sell_tickets event_id='integer_value' orderby='_ticket_priority' order='ASC'] 

Shortcode Attributes:

event_id = an integer value(you need to add an event id)
orderby = the string value needs to be added like ‘title/ID/posted_date/_ticket_priority’, default value is ‘_ticket_priority’
order = default value is ‘ASC’, you can pass either ‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’ value.

2. [event_sell_ticket]: it is used to display a specific ticket only


 [event_sell_ticket ticket_id='integer value'] 

Shortcode Attribute:

ticket_id = you need to add an integer value as your ticket id.

Each of these shortcord has a view details button which you can click on to access the details.

How to hide event tickets from the WooCommerce product page?

In order to hide the tickets from your WooCommerce product page, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Open your child theme.
  2. Add the code into the funtions.php file.
  3. add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', 'ts_custom_pre_get_posts_query' );
    function ts_custom_pre_get_posts_query( $q ) {
        $tax_query = (array) $q->get( 'tax_query' );
        $tax_query[] = array(
          'taxonomy' => 'product_type',
          'field' => 'slug',
          'terms' => array( 'event_package','event_ticket'), // Don't display products with event ticket type on the shop page.
          'operator' => 'NOT IN'
        $q->set( 'tax_query', $tax_query );
  4. Save.

Tickets Priority

Using a code, you can easily set your ticket priorities by listing your event tickets in your preferred order based on ticket price, ID, name, and more.

Here is the code that you need to use for the same:

add_filter( 'event_manager_output_event_sell_tickets_defaults', 'YOUR_THEME_SLUG_output_event_sell_tickets_defaults' );

function YOUR_THEME_SLUG_output_event_sell_tickets_defaults( $atts) {
    $atts['orderby'] = '_price'; // _ticket_priority, ID, name, title
    $atts['order'] = 'ASC'; // ASC, DESC
return $atts;

By default the priority is set by the event Id.

Solving translation issues in WooCommerce order

While translating the application in Hindi, Now WooCommerce order will be downloaded. Here PDF file shows a question mark instead of Hindi word.

Here, it is to be mentioned that the PDF library will only support ANSI characters. If you want to load it in your language then you need to install your font to dompdf by following this doc.

Advanced: Overriding/Customizing the templates

For overriding or customization template files can be found in the wp-event-manager-sell-tickets/templates/ directory.

To override a template file, you need to follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Create a directory “wp-event-manager-sell-tickets” under your theme folder.
  2. Copy the template file to “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-sell-tickets/” directory.
  3. Your theme will now use all the template files from the “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-sell-tickets/” directory instead of the plugin’s template file (/wp-content/plugins/wp-event-manager-sell-tickets/).
  4. content-sell-tickets.php template file lists the user’s sell Tickets.
  5. sell-tickets-form-submit-event.php template file which controls the alerts form display on events page.

Remember: If you have overridden template file and plugin frequently updating then you need to sync template file with new updates from the plugin’s template file for better functionality and new features.

Sell Tickets
Ashok Dudhat

Our team constantly explores ways that technology can help us reinvent industries. We want to change the world by creating great products that transform industries. We Dream It, We Make It.

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