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Hide and Add column from the Event Dashboard

An event dashboard displays all the details related to a specific event. A user can easily access the dashboard after  logging into his or her account on WP Event Manager. The event dashboard column can be seen directly in the home page. 

A user can hide or remove a field from the event dashboard page as per his or her requirements.

The user needs to follow the steps mentioned below to perform the task:

Hide Column

The following code has to be inserted in the Functions.php file of the child theme:

add_action('event_manager_event_dashboard_columns','wpem_event_manager_event_dashboard_columns', 10, 3);
		function wpem_event_manager_event_dashboard_columns($columns)
			return $columns;

Let us take an example, say, as a user, you don’t want a field location on the dashboard.

Please enter the code:

function your_theme_name_event_dashboard_columns($columns){
return $columns;

ADD Column

The following code has to be inserted in the Functions.php file of the child theme to add column:

function your_theme_event_dashboard_value($event ){
 echo 'Custom column value here';

Let us take an example, say, as a user, you want to add a field “Assigned To” as a Column heading and its value from meta_key “_organizer_email”.

Please enter the code:

add_filter( 'event_manager_event_dashboard_columns', 'add_assign_to_columns' );
function add_assign_to_columns( $columns ) 
	$columns['assign_to'] = __( 'Assign To', 'wp-event-manager' );
	return $columns;

add_action( 'event_manager_event_dashboard_column_assign_to', 'assign_to_column' );
function assign_to_column( $event ) 
	global $post;

	echo get_post_meta($post->ID, '_organizer_email', true);

Hide And Add Column From The Event Dashboard
Ashok Dudhat

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