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Enable Trace and Debug Javascript file logs

Enable or disable debugging and trace javascript and other files with the Event log Plugin.


You can install Event Logs plugin using 2 different ways:

  1. Automatic Installation: You can install a plugin from the backend of your WordPress. Click Here to see how you can do the automatic installation.
  2. Manual Installation: You can install the plugin manually using SFTP or FTP tool as well. Click Here to see how you can do a manual installation.

How to Debug Javascript file

In order to debug the javascript file, follow the steps,

  1. Go to Admin >> event listings >> settings >> logs.
  2. Locate Javascript logs.
  3. Checkmark the box stating “enable javascript logs”.
  4. Save changes.

How to Trace Javascript file?

In order to trace the Javascript file, follow the steps,

  1. Go to Admin >> event listings >> settings >> logs.
  2. Locate Javascript Trace..
  3. Checkmark the box stating “enable javascript Trace”.
    How To Trace Javascript File
  4. Save changes

Logs Console View

In order to see the debug information,

  1. Go to inspect by clicking F12 or right-click the mouse, and locate inspect.
  2. Go to the console tab.
  3. You will find the information as in the image below.
    Wp Event Manager Logs Console View

Advanced: Overriding/Customizing the templates

For overriding or customization, template files can be found in the wp-event-manager-logs/templates/ directory. To override a template file,

  1. First you need to create directory “wp-event-manager-logs” under your theme folder.
  2. Copy the template file to “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-logs/” directory.
  3. Your theme will use all the template files from the “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-logs/” Directory instead of the plugin’s template file (/wp-content/plugins/wp-event-manager-logs/).
  • event-logs.php template file lists the user’s logs.

Remember: if you have overrided template file and plugin frequently updating then you need to sync template file with new updates from the plugin’s template file for better functionality and new features.

Enable Trace And Debug Javascript File Logs
Ashok Dudhat

Our team constantly explores ways that technology can help us reinvent industries. We want to change the world by creating great products that transform industries. We Dream It, We Make It.

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