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Attendee Note

The attendee note API allows you to view, add and delete an attendee note.

Attendee Note properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Unique identifier for the resource. READ-ONLY
note string Attendee Note. MANDATORY
date_created date-time The date the attendee note was created, in the site’s timezone. READ-ONLY
created_by string The author of the attendee note was created. READ-ONLY

Get Attendee Note

This API helps you to get attendee notes.

HTTP request
Method : GET
URL : /wp-json/wpem/events/<event_id>/attendees/<attendee_id>/notes

Post Attendee Note

This API helps you to add attendee note.

HTTP request
Method : POST
URL : /wp-json/wpem/events/<event_id>/attendees/<attendee_id>/notes

Available parameters

Attribute Type Description
note string Description of attendee note
status string Status for attendee note

Delete Attendee Note

This API helps you to delete an attendee note.

HTTP request
Method : DELETE
URL : /wp-json/wpem/events/<event_id>/attendees/<attendee_id>/notes

Available parameters

Attribute Type Description
note_id integer Unique identifier for the resource.
force string Required to be true , as resource does not support trashing.
Attendee Note
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