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Event Orders

The event orders API allows you to view particular event orders information.

Order properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Unique identifier for the object. READ-ONLY
parent_id integer Parent order ID.
number string Order number. READ-ONLY
order_key string Order key. READ-ONLY
created_via string Shows where the order was created. READ-ONLY
version string Version of WooCommerce which last updated the order. READ-ONLY
status string Order status. Options: pending ,processing, on-hold, completed, cancelled, refunded, failed and trash .
Default is pending .
currency string Currency the order was created with, in ISO format. Options: AED , AFN , ALL , AMD , ANG , AOA , ARS , AUD , AWG , AZN , BAM , BBD , BDT , BGN , BHD , BIF , BMD , BND , BOB , BRL , BSD , BTC , BTN , BWP , BYR , BZD , CAD , CDF , CHF , CLP , CNY , COP , CRC , CUC , CUP , CVE , CZK , DJF , DKK , DOP , DZD , EGP , ERN , ETB , EUR , FJD , FKP , GBP , GEL , GGP , GHS , GIP , GMD , GNF , GTQ , GYD , HKD , HNL , HRK , HTG , HUF , IDR , ILS , IMP , INR , IQD , IRR , IRT , ISK , JEP , JMD , JOD , JPY , KES , KGS , KHR , KMF , KPW , KRW , KWD , KYD , KZT , LAK , LBP , LKR , LRD , LSL , LYD , MAD , MDL , MGA , MKD , MMK , MNT , MOP , MRO , MUR , MVR , MWK , MXN , MYR , MZN , NAD , NGN , NIO , NOK , NPR , NZD , OMR , PAB , PEN , PGK , PHP , PKR , PLN , PRB , PYG , QAR , RON , RSD , RUB , RWF , SAR , SBD , SCR , SDG , SEK , SGD , SHP , SLL , SOS , SRD , SSP , STD , SYP , SZL , THB , TJS , TMT , TND , TOP , TRY , TTD , TWD , TZS , UAH , UGX , USD , UYU , UZS , VEF , VND , VUV , WST , XAF , XCD , XOF , XPF , YER , ZAR and ZMW . Default is USD .
date_created date-time The date the order was created, in the site’s timezone. READ-ONLY
date_created_gmt date-time The date the order was created, as GMT. READ-ONLY
date_modified date-time The date the order was last modified, in the site’s timezone. READ-ONLY
date_modified_gmt date-time The date the order was last modified, as GMT. READ-ONLY
discount_total string Total discount amount for the order. READ-ONLY
discount_tax string Total discount tax amount for the order. READ-ONLY
shipping_total string Total shipping amount for the order. READ-ONLY
shipping_tax string Total shipping tax amount for the order. READ-ONLY
cart_tax string Sum of line item taxes only. READ-ONLY
total string Grand total. READ-ONLY
total_tax string Sum of all taxes. READ-ONLY
prices_include_tax boolean True the prices included tax during checkout. READ-ONLY
customer_id integer User ID who owns the order. 0 for guests. Default is 0 .
customer_ip_address string Customer’s IP address. READ-ONLY
customer_user_agent string User agent of the customer. READ-ONLY
customer_note string Note left by customer during checkout.
billing object Billing address.
shipping object Shipping address.
payment_method string Payment method ID.
payment_method_title string Payment method title.
transaction_id string Unique transaction ID.
date_paid date-time The date the order was paid, in the site’s timezone. READ-ONLY
date_paid_gmt date-time The date the order was paid, as GMT. READ-ONLY
date_completed date-time The date the order was completed, in the site’s timezone. READ-ONLY
date_completed_gmt date-time The date the order was completed, as GMT. READ-ONLY
cart_hash string MD5 hash of cart items to ensure orders are not modified. READ-ONLY
meta_data array Meta data.
line_items array Line items data.
tax_lines array Tax lines data. READ-ONLY
shipping_lines array Shipping lines data.
fee_lines array Fee lines of data.
coupon_lines array Coupons line data.
refunds array List of refunds. READ-ONLY
attendees array Attendee registration data.
currency_symbol string Currency symbol the order was created with.

Order – Billing properties

Attribute Type Description
first_name string First name.
last_name string Last name.
company string Company name.
address_1 string Address line 1
address_2 string Address line 2
city string City name.
state string ISO code or name of the state, province or district.
postcode string Postal code.
country string Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
email string Email address.
phone string Phone number.

Order – Shipping properties

Attribute Type Description
first_name string First name.
last_name string Last name.
company string Company name.
address_1 string Address line 1
address_2 string Address line 2
city string City name.
state string ISO code or name of the state, province or district.
postcode string Postal code.
country string Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
phone string Phone number.

Order – Meta data properties

Attribute Type Description
id integer Meta ID.READ-ONLY
key string Meta key.
value string Meta value.

Order – Line items properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Item ID. READ-ONLY
name string Product name.
product_id integer Product ID.
variation_id integer Variation ID, if applicable.
quantity integer Quantity ordered.
tax_class string Slug of the tax class of product.
subtotal string Line subtotal (before discounts).
subtotal_tax string Line subtotal tax (before discounts). READ-ONLY
total string Line total (after discounts).
total_tax string Line total tax (after discounts). READ-ONLY
taxes array Line taxes. READ-ONLY
meta_data array Meta data
sku string Product SKU. READ-ONLY
price string Product price. READ-ONLY

Order – Tax lines properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Item ID. READ-ONLY
rate_code string Tax rate code. READ-ONLY
rate_id integer Tax rate ID. READ-ONLY
label integer Tax rate label. READ-ONLY
compound boolean Show if is a compound tax rate. READ-ONLY
tax_total string Tax total (not including shipping taxes). READ-ONLY
shipping_tax_total string Shipping tax total. READ-ONLY
meta_data array Meta data

Order – Shipping lines properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Item ID. READ-ONLY
method_title string Shipping method name.
method_id string Shipping method ID.
total string Line total (after discounts).
total_tax string Line total tax (after discounts). READ-ONLY
taxes array Tax total (not including shipping taxes). READ-ONLY
meta_data array Meta data

Order – Fee lines properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Item ID. READ-ONLY
name string Fee name.
tax_class string Tax class of fee.
tax_status string Tax status of fee. Options: taxable and none .
total string Line total (after discounts).
total_tax string Line total tax (after discounts). READ-ONLY
taxes array Tax total (not including shipping taxes). READ-ONLY
meta_data array Meta data

Order – Coupon lines properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Item ID. READ-ONLY
code string Coupon code.
discount string Discount total. READ-ONLY
discount_tax string Discount total tax. READ-ONLY
meta_data array Meta data

Order – Refunds properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Item ID. READ-ONLY
reason string Refund reason. READ-ONLY
total string Refund total. READ-ONLY

Order – Attendees properties

Attribute Type Description Permission
id integer Registration ID. READ-ONLY
name string Attendee name.
_event_registered_for string Event Name.
_attendee_email string Attendee email address.
_attendee_name string Attendee name.
_attendee_user_id string Attendee user id. READ-ONLY
_registration_source string Registration source.
_ticket_type array Event ticket type(paid, free, donation).
_ticket_id array Product Id.
_order_id string Attendee order id.
_total_ticket_price string Total ticket price.
_total_ticket string Total ticket quantity.
_registration_type boolean Default value 0(“false”), if attendee registered with buyer only option then will “1”(true).
_check_in boolean Default value 0(“false”), if attendee already checkedin then will “1”(true).
_checkin_source string Check-in source(app, web).
_checkin_device_id string Check-in device id.
_checkin_device_name string Check-in device name.
_checkin_time date-time The date the order was created, as GMT. READ-ONLY

Get Event orders

This API helps you to get particular event orders.

HTTP request
Method : GET
URL : /wp-json/wpem/events/<event_id>/orders/

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