Export Events
The WP Event Manager’s Export Events plugin allows you to export all the event data through CSV files.
Installing The Plugin
The installation process is the same for all the addons, offered by WP Event Manager. They can be both installed automatically and manually.
- Automatic Installation: You can install the plugin from the backend of your WordPress. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin automatically.
- Manual Installation: You can also install the plugin manually using SFTP or FTP tools. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin manually.
Watch the entire video for better understanding
How To Export Event Data From the Backend?
An Admin has the right to export the events data from the backend as well as the frontend whereas the organizer can export the event data only from the frontend.
In order to export the events data from the Backend, you need to follow the below mentioned steps:
- Go to WP-admin >> Event Manager >> Settings >> Export.
- You will get an option here named “ Export type ”. It is a dropdown menu that comes with the following options for you to choose from:
- Export file with meta key and value: Select this option if you want to export all the custom fields/values/data of your events.
- Export file with custom fields: Select this option if you want to export only a limited number of custom fields/values/data of events.
- Save changes.
- Now go to WP-admin >> Event Manager >> All Events.
- Here, you can select events from the list to export by ticking on the box beside the event title. Then click on the button named “Download Events CSV” to export the CSV file present at the top of the page.
- It will export the data based on the option you have selected for “Export Type” (WP-admin >> Event Manager >> Settings >> Export).
How To Export Events Data From the Frontend?
The organizers can export the event data from the frontend dashboard of the website.
Here are the steps you need to take:
- Go to the Event Dashboard on the frontend.
- Click on the Exports option from the list.
- You will get three options here that include:
- Download CSV File with “Events”,” Organizers”, “Venues” buttons.
- Download XML File with “Events”,” Organizers”, “Venues” buttons.
XML: an XML file refers to an extensible markup languagefile, made of codes and tags and it describes the text in a digital document.
- Download XLS File with “ Events”,” Organizers”, “Venue” buttons.
XLS: XLS stands for Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that is a compressed file and it enables users to download a huge file in a short period of time.
- You need to click on the Events button from the Download CSV File option.. Here you will get two more options:
- Default: By clicking on this option you can easily download the CSV file of all the listed events.
- Custom: In the Custom section you need to fill up the following details to customize:
- Event: it is a drop down menu of events from which you need to select the one that you want to export.
- Form Fields: Choose your preferred event fields that you want to add, keep or remove from your downloaded file.
Note: The same steps need to be followed in case of Organizers and Venues.
Advanced: Overriding/Customizing the templates
For overriding or customization, template files can be found in the wp-event-manager-export/templates/ directory.
To override a template file, follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Create directory “wp-event-manager-export” under your theme folder.
- Copy the template file to “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-export/” directory.
- Your theme will use all the template files from the “/wp-content/yourtheme/wp-event-manager-export/” directory instead of the plugin’s template file (/wp-content/plugins/wp-event-manager-export/).
- event-export.php template file lists the user’s export.
Remember: If you have overridden template file and plugin frequently updating then you need to sync template file with new updates from the plugin’s template file for better functionality and new features.