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Adding Your First Event

With WP Event Manager, it is simple to add your first event using shortcodes. In this guide you will learn about the entire process of adding an event to your website. 

Adding your first event using the frontend event submission form

WP Event Manager gives organizers and guests the freedom to add events independently from the frontend using the Event Submission form. The event submission form is the form that  needs to be filled in with all the necessary event details during adding an event.

Page setup

To display the Event Submission form, users need to create a new page from the pages menu at the Admin Panel. Here, the shortcode  [submit_event_form] needs to be added.

Setting up pages:

Follow the below mentioned steps to create a new page:

  1. WP Admin >> Pages >> New Page.
  2. Add a suitable title to it which is related to submit event.
  3. Paste the shortcode [submit_event_form]Wp Event Manager Event Form Detail

The best way to insert the shortcode is to paste it in the text view of the WordPress visual Editor to ensure it gets formatted correctly.

Event Submission steps to add your first event

The event submission process covers the following steps:

  • Account creation. 
  • Filling up the form with event details. 
  • Adding the details of the organizer. 
  • Previewing the event created.

Account creation

The first step that you need to take to create an account is to sign up on the frontend.

  • If the user is logged in, the form row data shows “Your account: You are currently signed in as (your username). Sign out”.
  • If the user is logged out, creating accounts is not mandatory, and “Allow account creation”is disabled this shows a sign-in link.
  • Wp Event Manager Account Creation

Event Form Detail

After the account section, you will be redirected to the Event Submission form in which you need to fill in the details of your event.

Wp Event Manager Event Form Detail

The Event Fields in the Event Submission form covers the following:

  • Event Title.
  • Event Type.
  • Event Category.
  • Online Event.
  • Zip code. 
  • Event Location. 
  • Event Banner.
  • Description. 
  • Registration email/URL. 
  • Video URL. 
  • Start date. 
  • End date. 
  • End time.
  • Registration Deadline.
  • Registration Limit.
  • Organizer.
  • Venues.

Note: You need to keep in mind that Event Thumbnail and Event Banner are two different things. If a user uploads an event banner, he will be able to see the changes he made in the banner only. Similarly if a user makes any changes to the event thumbnail, the change will only be visible on the event thumbnail on the event listing page.

Organizers details

Event submission form, you need to add the organizers’ details.
The organizers’ form covers the following details:

Under the organizer details section, click on the Click here option and fill in the following details:

Wp Event Manager Organiser And Venue Button

  • Organizer name.
  • Logo.
  • Description.
  • Organizer Email.
  • Website.
  • Facebook.
  • Instagram.
  • Youtube.
  • Twitter.

Click on the Add Organizer Button.

Wp Event Manager Organiser Form

These fields will be pre-filled where appropriate if the user is logged in and has submitted an event in the past.

Venue details

To add a new venue details, click on the Click here option under the Venue details section and follow the below mentioned details:

  • Venue name. 
  • Venue Description. 
  • Logo. 
  • Website. 
  • Facebook.
  • Instagram. 
  • Youtube. 
  • Twitter.

Click on the Add venue Button.

Wp Event Manager Organiser Form

Preview of First Event

The preview page gives an idea to the users about the appearance of theri first event on the website.

It displays the event details that have been submitted in the style of a single event listing. At this stage, the user can make changes to the specified details of the event listing through the Edit option or simply click on the Submit option to submit the event for approval.

Wp Event Manager Post Preview


After submitting your first Event Listing, you will receive an email message based on the current status of the event listing.

Using Backend Submission Form

In order to add your event from the backend you need to follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to WP- Admin >> Event Manager >> Add new.
  2. You will come across a form where you need to add your event details.
  3. Such details include Event Title, Event Type, Event Category, Online Event, Event Address, Event Location, Event Banner, Event Description, Start Date, Start Time, End Date, End Time, Venue Name, Zip Code, Event Location, Registration Email/ URL, Registration Deadline,Ticket Option, etc.
  4. Fill in your desired Organizer’s details like Organizer Name, Organizer logo, Organizer Description, Organizer Email, Website, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook.
  5. Publish the Event.
  6. Preview the Event.

Using Backend Submission Form

Customization of the event submission form

You can add, edit, or remove fields from the Event Submission Form using the Field Editor. You can check the tutorial for editing fields.

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