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Divi Elements

The Divi Elements addon lets users design their events page with their desired elements at their desired places. It perfectly pairs up with the Divi theme builder to offer a familiar toolset.

Design your Events Page with your desired elements at your desired place using Divi elements that perfectly pair up with the Divi theme builder to offer you a familiar toolset.

Installing the plugin

The installation process is the same for all the addons, offered by WP Event Manager. They can be both installed automatically and manually.

  1. Automatic Installation: You can install the plugin from the backend of your WordPress. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin automatically.
  2. Manual Installation: You can also install the plugin manually using SFTP or FTP tools. Click Here to see how you can install the plugin manually.

Note: to use the Divi elements addon, you need to activate Divi themes on your site. You can click here to see how to install the Divi theme.

How to Build Your Event Listing Page Using Divi Builder?

To build your event listing page with Divi builder, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Go to WP Admin >> Pages>> Add New.
  2. Build Your Event Listing Page

  3. Now Click on Use Divi Builder option to edit the Event Listing.
  4. Build Your Event Listing Page

  5. You will now be redirected to the Divi Builder page editor.
  6. Click on Start Building.
  7. Build Your Event Listing Page

The available Modules are:

  1. Event Dashboard.
  2. Event Listing.
  3. Event Organizer.
  4. Event Venue.
  5. Past Event Listing.
  6. Upcoming event Listing.
  7. Single event listing.
  8. Single event Summary.
  9. Submit event form.
  10. Upcoming event listing.

How to Insert an Event Dashboard Page.

To insert an event dashboard page, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Click on the Grey/Blue Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Build Your Event Listing Page

  3. Select your preferred layout for the page.
  4. Build Your Event Listing Page

  5. Search for the Event Dashboard in the search bar of the Module.
  6. Build Your Event Listing Page

  7. You will Find the settings for the event dashboard.
  8. Build Your Event Listing Page

  9. Mention the number of events you want to add in the dashboard.
  10. Build Your Event Listing Page

  11. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  12. Build Your Event Listing Page

  13. Publish and preview your page.

The element Event Dashboard can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert an Event Listing Page.

To insert an event listing page, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Click on the Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Search for Event Listing in the search bar of the Module.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  3. You will find the settings for the Event Listing.
  4. Mention the number of Events you want to add to your event listing page.
    • Event View type: This option lets you select the default view of your event listing from box view or list view. Leave it empty if you want both.
      Build Your Event Listing Page
    • Events per page: This option lets you determine the number of events to be listed on your event listing page.
    • Show Pagination: This option lets you determine the way you want to display your page numbers like 1-2-3 or Load more.
    • Order by: This option lets you determine the order of your events.
    • Order: This option lets you decide if the sequence of your events shall be in ascending or descending order.
    • Show Filters: This option lets you decide if you want the search filter to appear on the page or not.
    • Select Categories: This option lets you decide if you wish to filter the event listing on the basis of event Categories.
    • Select Event Type: This option lets you decide if you wish to filter the event listing on the basis of event Types.
    • Featured: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of a Featured listing.
    • Canceled: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of the Canceled event listing.
    • Location: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of Location.
    • Keywords: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of Keywords.
  5. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  6. Publish and preview your page.

The element Event Listing can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert an Upcoming Event Listing Page.

To insert an upcoming event listing page, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Click on the Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Search for Upcoming Event Listing in the search bar of the Module.
  3. You will find the settings for the Upcoming event Listing.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  4. In the settings section, mention the number of events you want to list on your Upcoming Event Listing Page.
    • Show Pagination: This option lets you determine the way you want to display your page numbers like 1-2-3 or Load more.
    • Events per page: This lets you decide the number of listings by default on your listing page.
      Build Your Event Listing Page
    • Order by: This option lets you determine the order of your events.
    • Order: This option lets you decide if the sequence of your events shall be in ascending or descending order.
    • Select Categories: This option lets you decide if you wish to filter the event listing on the basis of event Categories.
    • Select Event Type: This option lets you decide if you wish to filter the event listing on the basis of event Types.
    • Featured: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of a Featured listing.
    • Cancelled: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of the Canceled event listing.
    • Location: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of Location.
    • Keywords: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of Keywords.
  5. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  6. Publish and preview your page.

The element Upcoming Event Listing can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert a Past Event Listing Page.

To insert a Past Event Listing Page, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Click on the Grey Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Search for the Past Event Listing in the search bar of the Module
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  3. You will find the settings for the Past Event Listing.
  4. In the settings section, mention the number of events you want to list on your Past Event listing page.
    • Show Pagination: This option lets you determine the way you want to display your page numbers like 1-2-3 or Load more.
    • Events per page: This option lets you determine the number of events to be listed on your event listing page.
      Build Your Event Listing Page
    • Order by: This option lets you determine the order of your events.
    • Order: This option lets you decide if the sequence of your events shall be in ascending or descending order.
    • Select Categories: This lets you decide if you wish to filter the listing on the basis of the Category.
    • Select Event Type: This option lets you decide if you wish to filter the event listing on the basis of event Types.
    • Featured: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of a Featured listing.
    • Cancelled: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of the Canceled event listing.
    • Location: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of Location.
    • Keywords: This option lets you filter the events on the basis of Keywords.
  5. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  6. Publish and preview your page.

The element Past Event Listing can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert an Event Organizer Page.

To insert an Event Organizer page, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Click on the Grey Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Search for Event Organizer in the search bar of the Module.
    Wp Event Manager New Event Notification
  3. You will find the settings for the Event Organizers.
  4. Make changes in the settings section as per your requirements.
    • Order by: This option lets you determine the order of your events.
      Wp Event Manager New Event Notification
    • Order: This option lets you decide if the sequence of your events shall be in ascending or descending order.
    • Show Thumb: This option lets you showcase the thumbnail of the organizers on the organizer’s page.
    • Show count: This option lets you showcase the number of the organizers on the page.
  5. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  6. Publish and preview your page.

The element Event Organizer can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert an Event Venue Page.

  1. Click on the Grey Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Search for Event Venue in the search bar of the Module.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  3. You will find the settings for the Event Venues.
  4. Make changes in the settings section as per your requirements.
    • Order by: This option lets you determine the order of your events.
      Build Your Event Listing Page
    • Order: This option lets you decide if the sequence of your events shall be in ascending or descending order.
    • Show Thumb:This option lets you showcase the thumbnail of the organizers on the organizer’s page.
    • Show count:This option lets you showcase the number of the venues on the page.
  5. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  6. Publish and preview your page.

The element Event venue can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert a Submit Event Form.

  1. Click on the Grey Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  2. Search for Submit Event Form in the search bar of the Module.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  3. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  4. Publish and preview your page.

The element Submit Event form can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert a Single Event page.

  1. Click on the Grey Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Search for the Single Event page in the search bar of the Module.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  3. You will find the settings for the Single event page.
  4. In the settings, select the event name that you want to add to the page.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  5. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  6. Publish and preview your page.

The element Single event Page can be inserted on any page using this module.

How to Insert a Single Event Summary page.

To insert a Single Event summary page, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Click on the Grey Plus Button on your Divi Editor.
  2. Search for Single Event Summary in the search bar of the Module.
    Build Your Event Listing Page
  3. You will find the settings for the Single event summary page.
  4. Make changes as per requirements in the Single event summary page settings.
    • Select event: This option lets you select the events that need to be summarized.
      Build Your Event Listing Page
    • Align: You can select the alignment of the event listing as left, right or center.
    • Featured: This option lets you make featured event listings.
    • Limit: This option lets you limit the number of events that can be summarized on page.
  5. Click on the Blue tick mark.
  6. Publish and preview your page.

The element Single Event Summary page can be inserted on any page using this module.

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