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Add An Amazing Event Timeline in WordPress 5.6

Let's be honest for a second; simple data is boring to read. But what if you create an event timeline? No matter how beautiful the font may be, when the information is simple text, it'll be no match to the appeal that the visual data provides.

You can showcase beautifully any important content like dates, milestones, events of your business when you create an event timeline. WordPress likes creativity. That's why it has a rich set of plugins ready-made for your websites. You don't need to be stuck with the usual calendar. You can spice things up by adding timelines.

In this article, we'll show you to incorporate a beautiful event timeline in a WordPress website.

Who uses a Event timeline?

As its name suggests, a timeline is a visual representation of the different points of times, other achieved goals, and various milestones. All those great times for a business or a company incorporated in a line.

These lines can include a pictorial representation of data, different fonts to make it stand out. Companies use these for outstanding historic milestones in their period. Even if you're a photographer, you can use other photos in lines to show your journey in a timeline. Personal sites, Portfolios, Blog sites can also use a timeline to represent their growth.

Now let's talk about how your event timeline should look.

Amazing Event Timeline

Include images

The best way to visually represent and make it appealing is by adding pictures. If you're representing a business milestone, you can add a group picture of your executives. If you signed a deal or received funding, you can put up that deal finalizing the photo.

Even if you're representing a milestone, add some generic image. Like when you founded the company, you can put a photo of the company's domain. If the company is about cryptocurrency, you can upload an image of a bitcoin.

Experiment with fonts

Adding different fonts to make it appealing is compulsory. You can put up any number of visuals, but the critical information is your text data. So, you have to make sure you used the proper readable font. Also, you can experiment with different fonts in your event timeline. Don't stick with the default fonts.

Add videos

Adding small video clips to your event timeline is a smart and unique idea. You can even upload GIFs and boomerang that'll make your event timeline more interesting.

Use logos

Always use logos in your event timeline to represent a particular milestone. If you received funding, you could add a dollar sign logo to your event timeline. If you finalized a deal with a multinational company, you could add a handshake logo to your event timeline.

Keep it precise and highlight keywords

Make sure to keep the information precise, not start writing long paragraphs. Nobody would want to read that. It would be best if you only mentioned the important-information in your event timeline. Write short summaries or abstracts rather than ranting about the milestone. Make it easily skimmable so that people can read quickly through it. Use keywords in the sentences. Make sure the viewer gets the idea by just looking at the vital keyword.

Smart Solid Colors

Use delicate and beautiful colors to give life to your event timeline. Make sure they are not shocking colors, so the data is easily readable from it. The smart idea is to use dark solid colors on your timeline.

WP Event Manager:

Just like adding event timelines to your websites is a great idea, using the WP Event Manager is another great idea. For starters, you don't have to work from scratch from its ready-made, customizable templates and themes. Not just that, it also has technical functionality like easy event classification, the calendar feature, and much more. Has it all event management plugin.

Event Timeline By WP Event Manager

Take Away

There are a lot of different methods to make your content consumable for the viewers. Making it visually appealing by using a beautiful timeline is a great idea. But make sure your valuable and top content lay on top by following the methods we suggested.
