Venue Shortcodes
The venue shortcode allows you to list and view the Venue details.
1. Submit Venue Page
The “Submit Venue” Page contains a form in which a user needs to fill in the details of the event venues.
To set up the Submit Venue Page, paste the shortcode [submit_venue_form], in the content area of the Submit Venue Page.
2. Venue Dashboard
The dashboard displays the list of all the Venues created by the logged in users. A user can add, edit, delete, create, duplicate Venues and view a specific venue’s event list from the Venue Dashboard.
To set up the Venue dashboard page, paste the shortcode [venue_dashboard], in the content area of the Venue Dashboard Page.
3. Event Venue
The Event Venue page displays the list of event venues in alphanumerical order with an alphanumeric filter option.
To set up the Event Venue page, paste the shortcode [event_venues] in the content area of the Event Venue page.
This is how the event Venue page would look on the frontend, which displays the available number of Venues along with the total number of events.
Event Venues Shortcode Attributes
The Default value of ‘orderby’ is ‘title’. It can be set to title, ID, author, name, date, modified as per user choice for ‘orderby’ attribute.
‘order’ => ‘ASC’
Defaults to ‘ASC’. Can be set to ‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’ to choose the sorting direction.
‘show_thumb’=> true
This attribute is used to display the thumbnail of the Venue .Defaults to ‘true’. It can be set to ‘true’ or ‘false’.
‘show_count’=> true
This attribute is used to display the total number of events of each Venue . Defaults to ‘true’. It can be set to ‘true’ or ‘false’.
4. Particular Event Venue
In order to display a particular Venue on the event Venue page, a user can add the shortcode,
[event_venue id=”venue_id”].
id: To display or access a particular Venue ’s details on the event Venue page, a user needs to add the id of that particular Venue . The id section remains empty by default and it shows all the Venue s list of the given argument. To get the Venue id, a user needs to place the cursor on the name of the Venue in the all Venue s menu on the Admin dashboard.
5. Single Event Venue
In order to display a particular event’s Venue, a user can add the shortcode mentioned below.
[single_event_venue id=”Event_ID”]
id: To display or access a particular event’s venue/s on the page, a user needs to add the id of that particular event. The id section remains empty by default. To get the particular event id, a user needs to place the cursor on the name of the event in the all event menu on the Admin dashboard.
6. Multiple event venues
In order to display multiple event venues to the admin and other users, the following code can be added in the functions.php at theme side.
Note: The code is for organizers but it can be easily customized for venues.
add_filter( 'get_all_event_organizer_args', 'wpem_all_event_organizer_args', 10 ); function wpem_all_event_organizer_args($args) { if(isset($args['author'])) unset($args['author']); return $args; }