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What Are the Important Elements of event page?

The event page is the very first thing your potential attendees view on your website. It is the driving force that makes them show up at your event. Your event page needs to be thoughtful.

The best event page design is simple and speaks to your audience. A well-developed event page can play a massive role in improving the overall ROI of your website. You'll be able to generate more leads and boost your conversion rates, all by taking into account the key elements which are more likely to trigger user action. The event page should be visually appealing. By keeping these 10 of the best practices in mind, you can give your event page the power to convince the users to attend your events.

A remarkable event description

The best event pages we have seen go above and beyond with their killer event descriptions. When you're thinking about the description for your event page, think of it as you're talking to somebody and telling them about your event in-person.

It will include things like the background, the purpose, the speakers, and the venue of your event. The description of your event page should consist of the things that'll surely leave an everlasting impression on your audience.

Your unique selling propositions

The selling proposition of your event needs to be unique. It sets your event apart from other events. It will show how your product and services are different from your competition. What makes your offer special? These persuasive lines should be present on your event page.

Elements of event page

The event page needs to communicate this proposition in such a way so that your potential attendees immediately understand what makes your product and service appealing.

Benefits focused content for event page

When you're creating a landing page, you need to focus on the benefits more than focusing on the features. The landing page needs to be persuasive if you want to keep your audience more engaged. Ensure that your landing page is brief with the benefits clearly stated in a way that they improve readability, make use of the pointers and bullets.

A great user experience

Most users love a website with awesome icons and a creative button that convey information without the use of redundant words. For example, using the "+" symbol on the button instead of writing "add" on the button.

Choose the right color scheme when you're designing your event pages. While contrasting color schemes may work the best for you, it is better to look at different colors before settling for the one. The thumb rule is to add no more than two colors on your landing page if you want to create a visually striking page design.

Branding is the key

The best websites use branding to give a certain feeling while they're engaging the users. Your brand must stay consistent with your event pages.

Exploit the use of images

Content with images tends to get more views than the ones with no pictures. So, including the photos and other multimedia is a good option. Personalized photos work better than the stock and download generic images. Make full use of the high-quality photos of your product or service to enhance ticket sales.

A well-placed call to action

A call to action should be well-placed on your event page. It drives attention towards the next step you want your users to go. When it comes to creating a compelling call to action, make sure you use large fonts and bright colors. Place in the middle of the page, and add a brief but actionable text to it. It can be something like, Try it for free.

Social media share options

The display of social proof and trust is necessary for an event page-social proof helps enhance the credibility of your pages. By displaying things like followers, subscribers, you can win the trust of your users.

Important Elements of event page

Having the share option will help you advertise even more. The potential attendees can share your page with their audience, hence attracting more audience.

Ensure the form fields are short

When it comes to the anatomy of a great event page, the form describing the proportionate you are offering is a must. It needs to have all the relevant fields but has to be precise and short. It has to be more goal-oriented than detailed.

Other related events

Finally, the out-of-the-box idea is to enhance your other event sales as well. An excellent way to advertise your other events is through your current event. If your user comes to your event page and for some reason decides not to attend it. You can add relevant upcoming events listing as well. They might be interested in that event.

So, having a quick gateway to other events can make you drive even more ticket sales.

The WP Event Manager

You can start making a great impression on the users with a perfect event page, but you need a reliable website to fulfill this goal. The WP Event Manager is an incredible event management plugin.

WP Event Manager

This plugin has plenty of templates to choose from, unlimited themes so that you can customize your pages as you desire. Not only that, it has all the technical functionality as well. It provides you with front-end forms, easy event classification, a calendar add-on, and much more.

Final words

An incredible event page can turn the visitors of your website into the attendees of your event. It should be brief but also give them all the necessary information that is required. When attendees like the vibe of your event, they'll possibly bring a network of attendees with them as well.
