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Use Events Calendar Shortcode for Multi-purpose Results

Managing events online can become a very hectic thing, and it requires a lot of functionalities to become an easy to manage and coherent management system. However, with events calendar shortcode the hectic process becomes much simpler. Do you wonder how you can manage all the events processes from announcement to registrations, sell tickets, manage infrastructure, and go live on the event just from one system? All of this was pretty hard for one system to do at once, but then we got a WP Event Manager Plugin as a solution to all event management issues.

Use Events Calendar Shortcode for Multi-purpose Results

Have you ever been to a website that included an activity calendar page? Nonprofits, churches, and sports teams are just three examples of organizations that use calendar pages. If this is something you would like to add to your WordPress website, it is quite easy to do. Adding a calendar page to WordPress is as easy as creating a new blog post.

Google Calendar might not be a choice for you

Some website owners use the Google calendar to deliver the functionality they are looking for. But for others, opting for Google is not an option. First, it requires the website owner to share too much information with Google that they would otherwise prefer to keep private.

Second, using Google's calendar directly links a website owner to the search engine giant far beyond organic web searches. There are other reasons why you might not want to use the Google calendar. But don't worry, there are other options.

One of the Best Feature is Events Calendar Shortcode

For any system, the non-functional requirements play a vital role in its success. Keeping this in a view, WP Event Manager Plugins becomes easy to use and easy to understand. The easiness offers to the users make it one of the best plugin available in the market.

feature events calendar plugin shortcode

For creating additional pages with particular information can now be created with just one shortcode. Event Calendar addon allows the admin to list the upcoming events with events calendar shortcode on the website, so the audience can know about upcoming events beforehand.

With WordPress events calendar shortcode, you can manage and integrate the events calendar anywhere with just one shortcode. Let's dive in and see what we can do with the events calendar shortcode.

Using events calendar shortcode

An even easier way to add a calendar page to your WordPress website is to download and install a calendar plugin. There is a multitude to choose from, both free and paid. One of the most popular plugins is WP Event Manager Plugin. It is quick to install and configure and offers a tremendous amount of functionality combined with ease of use.

Events Calendar Shortcode: [events_calendar]

How To Use events calendar shortcode in WordPress

Once you installed and activate the Events Calendar Plugin, the Event Calendar icon will appear on the Event listing page on your website as showing below. After clicking on that icon, it will show you an event calendar with all the available events on the website.

how to use events calendar shortcode

For displaying your Events Calendar on a specific listing page, Use the events calendar shortcode, create a new page from the WordPress Dashboard and name the page " Event Calendar " or anything you like. At the content place, type the shortcode [events_calendar] and save the page. It is best to insert the events calendar shortcode into the ‘Text’ view of the visual editor.

Display Event Calendar widget

The WP Event Manager Calendar’s Widget gives premium looks with elegant design to engage the visitor on your web. Sometimes, a user visiting your calendar is unable to find the events detail particularly. So for that, the best way is to display the events on the calendar of different pages. By that, there are very few chances that any visitor misses the event from the calendar. To display the widget of the calendar, simply do these changes go to WordPress Dashboard >> Appearance >> Widgets. Drag this widget and drop it to your desired widget area and show the event calendar at your desired location.

event calendar widget

WP Event Manager Plugin

WP Event Manager Plugin has two versions: the basic and free one. So basically, users are allowed to use the basic version free of cost and to add the functionalities, the WP Event Manager Plugin is offering Add-ons for particular functions. With this plugin, you can customize the look of your calendar or have it use the settings of your chosen theme. When it comes to events, you can post them one by one right from the dashboard, or create an event and use it as a template.

The plugin offers a full range of features, including recurring events, attaching thumbnail images, maps and GPS locations to tickets, posting event coordinator information, etc. With free and paid versions, users can use events calendar shortcode for quick integration of the required features on particular pages. Therefore, in this section, we will be explaining how to use the other shortcode in WordPress.

What you can do with WP Event Manager Plugin's Shortcode

  1. Past Events

    You can display the past events at any place on your website as well as on the calendar using the past events shortcode [past_events]. Create a new page and put any title. In the content section, just paste the events calendar shortcode and preview it before publishing.

  2. Events Dashboard

    With events dashboard shortcode [events_dashboard] the WP event Manager Plugin allows creating a page with access to the dashboard. Users can access the dashboard from the frontend while the administrators have access to use it from the backend to manage the calendar.

  3. Event Listing

    Using the event listing shortcode [events] allows you to display all the events on the page as well as on your events calendar. This feature becomes very handy when there is a need to display all the events at a particular page.

  4. Event Submission Form

    The event Submission form is one of the core components of the WP Event Manager Plugin. To integrate the form at any particular area of the website, the admins can paste the shortcode [submit_event_form] and everything is done.

  5. The Event Summary

    In a scenario, where the users need to access a brief summary about the particular event the event summary shortcode comes to play its role. By creating a new page with the shortcode [event_summary id=’’] a brief summary of the selected event is displayed on a particular page. Where the ID represents the desired event to be displayed.

  6. The Single Event Listing

    In case of accessing particular event details on a single page, the administrators can create a new page with a single event listing shortcode and provide the Id of the desired event. The shortcode to be used is [event id=’’].

  7. Organizers Shortcode

    WordPress Event Manager Plugin offers different organizers shortcodes for Organizer submit form [submit_organizer_form] to submit the details of the organizers, Organizer dashboard [organizer_dashboard] to create a panel from where the individual can add, edit, delete the information about the organizers, and Event Organizers [event_organizers] to display all the organizers.

Wrapping up

Using the Events Calendar Shortcode, you can let the users know about the upcoming events in advance. By knowing the upcoming events, the potential audience can register themselves. To display the event calendar at different positions, the events calendar shortcode gives quick access. The best thing about WP Event Manager Plugin is that no special configuration is needed for your calendar page. You simply have to create a new page, tell the plugin what that page is, and copy and paste the shortcode anywhere in the body of the page where you want the calendar to appear. The plugin manages the creation and display of the calendar according to the events that you have published through the control panel.

Other calendar plugins offer varying degrees of functionality. It goes without saying that there should be one that meets your needs and your level of expertise. In just a few minutes of your time, you can have a nice calendar page listing all the events you want your readers to know about, in a neat, good-looking package.
