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WP Event Manager Compatibility With Famous Visual Composer

The combination of the Visual Composer and an event management plugin like WP Event Manager creates event websites that bring success at your doorstep. If your professional life revolves around events, you must be aware of events and events websites.

WP Event Manager’s Compatibility With Visual Composer

Before explaining the compatibility between visual composer and WP Event Manager, let us introduce you to the concept of events website.

Introduction to events website

An events website provides its users with a simple and efficient way to access the details of the events that are taking place around them. Such events can be musical concerts, charity drives and more.

When it comes to building an events website for your business, the combined strength of the WP Event Manager plugin and Visual Composer can give striking results. So how do they work together? To get this answer, read this article thoroughly.

A good event management website is composed of several small components that together make up a usable product. A few of such components are the following:

A default WordPress event management website comes with a WordPress event theme and a lot of tools and you may not necessarily need to add more, but in order to make your business model work correctly, you should do detailed research about your needs and requirements. This will enable you to identify what you currently have and what’s missing from your website.

Building an efficient WordPress Event Management Website can be challenging but if you have tools like Visual Composer and WP Event Manager with you the process can be much easier for you. Read this article to get more details on the same.

What is Visual Composer?

Visual composer replaces the default WordPress editor with a different layout that is much easier to use. The new layout is designed to feel more natural in a drag-and-drop environment and was created with the intent of making website creation a simple and hassle free task.

To use Visual Composer, you need to install it. The installation method is the same like other WordPress plugins. To download it, you need to visit its official website which is (  and click on the Download section.

After that, proceed to your WordPress Admin panel and go to the plugins section.

Click on ‘Add new’ in the upper left corner and click on the ‘Upload Plugin’ option. Upload the recently downloaded file and when that’s done, WordPress will install it automatically. After completing this step the ‘Activate plugin’ option becomes visible and all you need to do to start Visual composer is to click that button.

Introduction to Events Manager

Earlier, we talked about what makes a WordPress event management website successful and we concluded that it all boiIs down to matching your requirements with the right tools that are available on the market. Those tools are also known as event managers.

Event managers can make or break the functionality of your website so it is very important to have a good amount of research on the current options that are available for you. Starting from their functionalities to their prices everything should be taken into consideration. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that your selection must be based on the requirements you have for your business.

Your requirements may suggest that you need a middle-tier plugin. Settling for a lesser one can seriously hinder your business prospects and going all-out for the most expensive ones might not give you enough of a return to make it seem worthwhile. This is why good research about your requirements is crucial in choosing just the right thing.

We recommend WP Event Manager which covers most essential features that a good  WordPress event registration plugin should have. it is a lightweight, scalable and full-featured event management plugin. Besides this, it is known for its user-friendliness that makes it one of the top-performing event managers of all time.


Events manager shortcodes offer an easy way of performing large and seemingly difficult tasks with minimal effort within a short period of time Shortcodes are the strength of WP Event Manager and together with Visual composer it creates products that are easy to use for anyone and everyone.

Creating the final product

Now that we have covered all the components individually, we are going to work on combining all of them to create a usable product.

  • Through the use of Visual Composer, we can simply add components into the page by following the path: WP-admin -> Visual Composer -> Getting Started.
  • From there, click on the ‘Create New Page’ button and you will then be able to see a ‘+’ button on your left.
  • Clicking that will open up a window that will show you the available widgets that can be added to your page. The list that will pop up can be different depending on what kind of other installations you have made on your WordPress account.
  • Once you click on any icon, a series of options will become visible to you. Those options are completely dependent on the type of widget you have selected.
  • Fill in the fields by your own choice and then you are ready to publish your page.
  • From here on, you will be able to add Shortcodes to components of your page to make customization and usability easier.
  • As we have discussed above, it is super easy to use shortcodes in your pages and once you get familiar with them, the amount of personalization you can add is pretty much endless.

Some Examples of Using Shortcodes

To help you grasp the concept of shortcodes, here is a list of shortcode examples that will help you in this regard.

Event Listing Shortcode

The first one is the ‘Event Listing’ shortcode. This snippet lets you view an entire list of events that have been added to the website. The actual code for this excellent widget is ‘[events]’.

Submit Event Shortcode

Moving on to the other items, the next shortcode in line is ‘Submit Event’. The good thing about shortcodes is that they are almost always very self-explanatory. This one is no exception and gives us a very clear idea of what it does. A form will appear that will allow you to publish events by entering their details into the system. The code used here will be ‘[submit_event_form]’.

Event Shortcode

The last shortcode in our list is ‘Event’. As you may have guessed, this allows you to view a specific single event from the entire list available to you. So how to access a single event? The answer is there in the shortcode, you can enter an ID for an event and that is it. The code along with the ID part looks like this: ‘[event id = “xxxx”]’.

What’s next?

From here, you can continue to explore more shortcodes and more event management plugins. Since WordPress is an open-source platform, there is really no limitation to what can be done with it. With Visual Composer, creating a WordPress event management website has become much easier than before. If you have a little technological knowledge you can try creating an events website with Visual Composer and see the results.
